Marriage Deliverance Therapy 

The Marriage Deliverance Therapy and Counseling at uCarewellness offers a process-based healing and deliverance journey for couples seeking marital deliverance, break strongholds preventing them from fulfilling their God-given marital purposes and assignments in the nations.  As powerful as a marital purpose, so are the challenges faced, but through the healing power in the knowledge of God, uCare offers a process-based Deliverance and Spiritual Care to bring marriage altars into repair, deconstruct the altars of darkness in marriages,  and bring God's light into dark places in marriages.  Therapy sessions are led by Spirit-filled Christian spiritual leaders certified in Marriage Deliverance and Spiritual Care Therapy to provide care to clients with hope and utmost care.  

What is Marriage Deliverance Therapy?

The MDT is a bible-based processed-based healing therapy developed by Ebenezer Gabriels Prophetic Research Center, Blissful Marriage University and Christian Researchers and Counselors, who observed, tested, supervised, and observed for outcomes. It is non-medical, process-based combining education, counseling, marital deliverance research, inner healing therapy, and other methods to heal marital roots, restore marital identity purpose, and administer emotional, spiritual, and mental healing. The Marital Deliverance Therapy is designed to address root-causes missed before marriage, or other obstructions in the pathway of the couple's marital life.

Getting Started With uCare's MDT

The MDT is a 5-session virtual block therapy, following a 10-Day supervised Marriage Deliverance Retreat. MDT Therapy is non-medical and, hence, does not accept insurance for payments. MDT Therapy offers benefits tailored to your unique emotional, mental, and spiritual healing, leading you through a journey of healing and process-based goal-oriented activities for addressing root causes, regrafting, education, dentity restoration, and healthy family readiness to bring healing where medical intervention may not reach. 

Getting started is easy . You can book by clicking on the button below to complete your purchase.  Once booked, we will send you calendar availability to select and our admin staff will send you account creation link into the uCarewellness platform.

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5-Hour Bundled Therapy 

Family Tree Inner Healing Therapy offers five 5-hour goal-oriented therapy sessions to lead clients into their family healing journey. This includes a 10-Day  supervised couple's retreats to be completed by couples at home.

MDT Benefits

MDT is a solution for married couples to bring God's healing across realms—the soul, spirit, and mental realms—to rebuild their family destiny, using Christian Spiritual Care therapy, deliverance therapy, counseling therapy, and a process-based approach. MDT is for couples experiencing a turbulent marriage, on-the-brink of divorce, or without a marital purposeYou will follow a tailored Spirit-led path to rebuilding your marital altar to fulfill your marital destiny. This session is led by the program's lead developers and assisted by experienced therapists and Christian spiritual care providers when needed.

Access to all digital materials.

Supervised 10-day couples retreat (no need to travel)

5 Hours of Virtual Spiritual Care for both couples

Access to our self-service therapy throughout your therapy session.

Access to private communication to aid your rebuilding journey. Messaging Channel to ask questions 

We work with goals, milestones, and specific actionable tasks to rebuild a healthy, purposeful, godly family destiny 

Subsidized therapy benefits: This therapy has been subsided for affordability.

For group pricing, family pricing and questions, please contact the administrative staff at