How to Increase Your Propensity to Fulfill Your Calling using the Four Pillars of Wellness


By uCare Team

Achieving one's true calling is deeply rooted in the overall well-being of the individual. This journey toward fulfillment relies fundamentally on the integrity and balance of four main pillars: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical wellness. And with these four pillars of wellness, you can craft your personal wellness goals, aligning with God's calling of prosperity in all things.

Each of these aspects plays a critical role in shaping one’s ability to live out their purpose fully and effectively.

1. Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness provides sensitivity to God's realm of the unseen realms, where spiritual activities operate, affecting the physical. Godly spiritual soundness brings us into closer proximity and relationship with God and also empowers us to break through the difficulties of navigating the unseen realms, by God's spirit, gifts, and tools of functioning in the spirit. For many, it's something as simple as your perceptions and unspoken conversations occurring between you and God, who is Spirit. 

Spiritual wellness is crucial for a balanced and meaningful life, deeply influencing our peace, purpose, and direction. However, in a biblical context, several negative influences can disrupt or alter spiritual wellness, leading to disorientation and distancing from divine guidance. These include spiritual manipulation, Satanic devices, idolatry, broken spiritual laws, and the use of blood sacrifices. Understanding these influences can help in identifying and overcoming them to restore spiritual harmony.

Spiritual Manipulation: Spiritual manipulation involves using religious language, practices, or authority to control or dominate others' thoughts, feelings, or behaviors under the guise of spirituality. Biblically, this is seen as contrary to the principles of freedom and personal relationship with God that Christianity promotes. It is warned against in several scriptures, where false prophets and teachers use their position to mislead the faithful (Matthew 7:15, 2 Peter 2:1).

Satanic Devices, Spells, and Charms: The Bible mentions the use of spells, charms, and Satanic devices as means employed by the forces of darkness to deceive and ensnare believers (Ephesians 6:11-12). These practices are considered acts of rebellion against God's sovereignty and create spiritual bondage. Christians are called to resist such devices through faith, the word of God, and prayer, ensuring they are not diverted from their spiritual path.

Idolatry and Broken Spiritual Laws: Idolatry, or the worship of idols, is repeatedly addressed in the Bible as a direct violation of God’s commandments (Exodus 20:3-5). Idolatry extends beyond the worship of physical statues to include the exaltation of anything that takes the place of God in one's life, such as money, power, or even oneself. Such practices break spiritual laws and can lead to a profound disconnection from God, hindering one's spiritual wellness.

Blood Sacrifices: In biblical times, blood sacrifices were often part of pagan rituals, directly opposed to the teachings of Scripture regarding the sanctity of life and the specific sacrifices acceptable to God. The use of unauthorized sacrifices, or those made to other deities, was seen as an affront to God’s established covenant with His people and led to spiritual decay and judgment (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22).

Restoring Spiritual Wellness

Restoring spiritual wellness in the face of these negative influences involves a return to biblical truths and the rejection of practices and beliefs that oppose them. It requires:

Repentance: Turning away from practices and beliefs that have negatively impacted one's spiritual wellness.

Spiritual Deliverance: Engaging in genuine spiritual deliverance processes that promote a direct and healthy relationship with God and restore God's divine order and plan into affected lives and community

2. Emotional Wellness

Your emotions are situated in your soul. Emotional wellness is crucial for managing life's ups and downs with resilience. It involves understanding and effectively navigating one’s emotions to lead a balanced and fulfilling life. Cultivating emotional wellness requires developing coping mechanisms for stress, fostering healthy relationships, and engaging in activities that promote emotional growth and stability.

Emotional wounds



3. Mental Wellness

The mind is the place of all mental activities. Mental wellness refers to the health of one’s cognitive processes, including thought patterns, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities. It is about maintaining a clear and focused mind that can critically analyze situations and make sound decisions. Mental wellness can be fostered through ongoing education, engaging in mentally stimulating activities, and seeking therapy or counseling when needed to address cognitive, or behavioral issues.  

Manipulation of the mind

Control of the Mind



4. Physical Wellness

Physical wellness is essential for providing the body with the strength and vitality needed to pursue one’s calling. It involves regular physical activity, proper nutrition, adequate rest, and preventative medical care. A healthy body supports a healthy mind, enabling an individual to engage fully in their activities and overcome physical challenges that may arise on their path.

Unhealthy food
